Sunday, November 2, 2008

Doing My Bit

Just finished two days of canvassing for Barack Obama in Virginia. It was fun -- beautiful weather yesterday, a bit chilly today. Knocked on many doors. Eveyone was polite, even the uninterested.

The way canvassing works (where I'm doing it, at least) is that we start in DC, get assigned to a Virginia town HQ (Herndon today), get trained at the HQ and then sent to a local neighborhood HQ, where there's a tad more training and then we actually get sent out to canvass. And here's the big news: at the first local neighborhood HQ we arrived at today, there was nothing to do. All the canvassing packets were already distributed. There were too many volunteers. We had to go back and get reassigned. That's how fired up the Obama campaign is in Virginia.

And the town HQs are totally buzzing. Yesterday in Manassas and today in Herndon and previously in McClean, there are volunteers arriving every minute and people there coordinating them, working the phones, entering data, and doing tons of other stuff.

My experience is consistent with what you can read in the "On the Road" series at, which has consistently described Obama HQs buzzing like beehives and McCain HQs as almost sepulchral. Check out these photos.

Two days to go. Can you tell I'm fired up?

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