Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Big Changes

Big changes are coming to Law Prof on the Loose.

Starting tomorrow, I will be on leave from GW while I serve as the Director of Research and Policy of the Administrative Conference of the United States ("ACUS"). I anticipate returning to my regular academic position in 2012.

I haven't spoken to my new boss about this yet, but I probably won't be blogging about politics, Supreme Court cases, and other public affairs while working for the government. I'm not planning on taking down the pre-existing blog posts (just as I am not recalling any of my prior publications, either), but further posts will have to be different, if they appear at all.

Expect no posting for at least a month or so, and then, if I blog at all, it will probably be on topics far removed from public affairs. Poetry, perhaps? Recipes, anyone?

Faithful Readers, I have appreciated your interest and support. It's been a little over three years and not quite 600 posts, including a couple of guest stints on Concurring Opinions and PrawfsBlawg. I've enjoyed this avenue of public expression. Your comments have been interesting and stimulating. Together, we have considered the rights and wrongs of judicial and political decisions, the foibles of the rich and powerful, and occasional notes from culture, sport, and life.

I'll miss you all during this hiatus. Hope to see you again soon.


Desh said...

We'll miss you! Congrats on the new position!

Do you have any other blogs to recommend that you feel are similar to yours and worth reading?

Lizzy said...

I'll miss the blog.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss the blog, too. Congratulations on the new position. Can you tell us what the Administrative Conference of the United States is, and what you'll be doing as Director of Research and Policy?

Jon Siegel said...

Thank you all for these lovely messages. My blog page contains links to other good blogs (see the bottom of my blog page). Some more information about ACUS and my position there can be found on my home page,

Anonymous said...

Oh now what will I read while bored out of my mind @ work? I'll miss this blog. I wish I would have found it sooner.

Steve said...

But you are gonna teach fed courts in the spring right? right? RIGHT??? . . . ?????

Kay said...

Congratulations, Professor! You'll be missed on campus and in the blogosphere. I'm very sorry not to be able to take any more classes with you, but perhaps one day you'll show up at online law school as a professorial superstar and I'll be able to take your internet class. Until then, best of luck!

Jon Siegel said...

Thanks to all once again. Steve, I'm sorry, but no, I won't be teaching in the upcoming academic year, and probably not in the 2011-2012 year either.